Parliament Buildings Chapter 08 by sobiakifayat2020 | Dec 31, 2022 | 0 comments Welcome to (Chapter-8) Canadian Symbols please click NEXT to start the quiz. 1. The Memorial Chamber within the tower contains the Books of Remembrance which has the names of the Soldiers who died in war Soldiers who served in war Commanders leading the troops in war Prime Ministers 2. The peace tower was completed in 1920 1927 1930 1937 3. The only original part remaining in the Canadian Parliament is Entrance Central Lounge Library Basement 4. The peace tower was made in the memory of Battle of Plains of Abraham Second World War Boer War First World War 5. Which of the following building in Canada was completed in the 1860s? Parliament Building Peace Tower Eiffel Tower Clock Tower 6. In which style is the Quebec National Assembly built? French First Empire French Second Empire French Third Empire German and Indian 7. The Memorial Chamber of Peace Tower contains Books of Science Books of History Books of Remembrance Books of Economics Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.